Two very different signs, but when they want to, they can be the perfect complements for each other.
From their first dates, there is an intensity in the air, a real chemistry. Neither of them has any doubts about what they're looking for in a partner - they have very strong personalities.
Scorpio is soon caught by the spell of the Taurus woman. Her sensuality and sweetness attract him deeply. If she resists him, he will persist, using all his wiles to make her succumb to his charms. He is not willing to miss the chance to get to know her, although it's unlikely that she'd resist this charismatic, mysterious man.
Sexuality will play a very important role in the relationship, allowing them to work through - in bed - the inevitable tensions inherent in their differences. As a couple, their sexual encounters will be passionate and devastatingly sensual, even after several years have passed.
Together, they will have to face several obstacles. The first is that Scorpio tends to avoid dominating relationships. He cannot stand being his partner's toy. This clashes a little with the personality of the Taurus woman, who always tries to have everything under her control. It's a healthy domination that is difficult to escape. If they want to solve this problem, both will have to be patient and do their part to calm the tensions resulting from this clash of personalities. Taurus will have to be smart and come up with a plan to mask this dominance without Scorpio noticing. Otherwise, they would risk getting caught up in a completely fruitless power struggle, which would undoubtedly lead to the failure of the relationship.
The other obstacle that this pair faces is that both Scorpio and Taurus get very heated when they argue, and they resort to all kinds of insults, and worst of all, to reproaching past actions that don't solve anything and only make the situation worse. Taurus is a little more capable of controlling herself, even though there are times when she explodes and there is no way to stop her. The case of Scorpio is totally different - there is no one who can stop him in this type of situation. Both should learn that past mistakes should be set aside - it brings no good to the relationship to constantly reproach wrongs done in the past. Also, in the heat of the argument, both of them should try to calm down so that things don't go too far, avoiding harsh words that could affect the future of the relationship. We know well that there are awful things that can be said, with the power to change the future of relationships forever.
For these two signs, solving these small problems that are bound to arise, always trying to prevent problems from growing too big, and facing them when they come will be enough for them to live a long and beautiful love story.
Edited by Melissa K.
The Scorpio Man in Bed: What Is He Like Sexually?
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